Sunday, April 5, 2020

2020 Brazos Bend Virtual 50k

The Background

I had run a marathon, a 50k, and a 50k in 15 days.  While I was needing events to keep me busy during the Coronavirus shutdown, I knew it'd be better to wait two weeks before the next race.  In between I did a 20 mile hike on the streets.

Also, I was dieting...1200 calories, one meal a day.  I dropped about 7 pounds, trying to get closer to racing weight.

Next up was Brazos Bend 50k.  April 4 was the day of the actual race, so why not run the virtual version the same day.  I debated trying a couple different locations, and I scouted out a section of Spring Creek Trail that I decided was too winding. I ended up going back to the George Michell Nature Preserve.  Rain was forcasted so I knew traffic on the trails would be light.

The Race

Immediately when I started running, I felt good. I cruised, enjoying the music, at 11 or 12 minutes a mile.

I made a goal to make it to 20 miles still running.  At the Coyote Crossing 50k two weeks ago, I first walked at 13 miles.  20 miles would be my standard training run and it was about time to have that done at least.  Feeling good up to 19, my legs started to get sore and heavy.  Probably half physical, half mental.  I made it to 20.

Then I hiked for 3 miles at a 17 minute pace.  I'd prefer that it was 15 or 16, so I need to work on that.

Then at 23 miles, "Forever Young" by Rod Stewart came on and inspired me to run.  I made a goal to run to marathon distance and made that.

Adding it up, I knew I could get in under 7 hours if I ran the last three miles or so.  Hiking a couple miles until 6:18 on the clock, I ran in the last three.


I felt fitter and took 43 minutes of my time from Coyote Run 50k on the same course.  Mentally, I was in a good space pretty much the whole race.

I'm planning to go for a 100 miler with the virtual Blazing 7s.  If I ran exactly what I did here (and I wouldn't want to go too much faster for a 100) I could then do the last 69 miles at 20 minutes a mile and get in under 30 hours.  If I were hiking at 17 minutes a mile, each mile would build cushion.  I still need to work on powerhiking.

I'm having fun racing.  Really, these are training races for me...while trying hard, I'm not pushing to the limit.

Next up is Colorado Crossing 50k in a couple weeks.

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