Saturday, May 2, 2020

2020 Sweaty Yeti Virtual 50k

The Background

After the Wildflower Marathon / 50k Double, the top of my left foot was sore.   I took it extra easy, walking less.  It got better each day enough where I felt like racing.

The Race

I felt good the first few miles, in the moment.  Then my GPS started messing up.  It was showing I was running 9-minute miles and the distance for my 1.9 loop around my neighborhood was well over 2 miles.  Pretty soon it was crediting me with 3 extra miles!

I went in the house and got a sheet of paper and started tallying loops so I could be sure of the real distance.  By this point, my head was in a bad place.  I started walking by mile 16 and pretty much walked most of it to 28.  I felt good enough to run in the last 2.5.

Clearly malfunctioning GPS


My watch had been good for all these races...hopefully it will be good for next time as I do not want to spend more money on a watch.

I was probably due for a "bad" race...the combination of racing every week and my GPS messing up left me low.  But regardless, I put in a decent effort, running in the last bit to get in under 8 hours.

My foot felt pretty good afterwards so I'm thankful about that.

Well, first race of the "Rising Phoenix" series done!

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