Tuesday, August 7, 2018

2018 Capt'n Karl's Colorado Bend 60k

The Background

Going in to Colorado Bend, the 3rd race of the Capt'n Karl's series, all was well save my back.  After injury at Night Moves Marathon in August 2017, I experienced off and on sharp pains.  A couple days before the race pain was back, not that bad but noticeable.

Terri couldn't come, so I headed out solo.  On the way to Colorado Bend, I stopped at College Station at the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library.  It had a lot of cool historical artifacts, like Bush's flight instructor's bomber jacket, campaign buttons, a presidential limousine...this made me want to see as many presidential libraries as I can.

The Course

Colorado Bend 60k consists of two 18.6 mile loops, with a lot of rocky sections and some smooth running.  It is definitely a tougher course than Pedernales and Muleshoe.

The Race

I started off at a decent pace even though my back was hurting.  After the first aid station at about 3 miles, there is a fast section of relatively smooth trail for 5 miles to the section aid station.  I made it through that in about an hour, pushing a bit.  I started to feel a bit tired but was still ok. 

Whenever I see a two loop course, I think, "Great, I'll only have to go out twice."  True, but the second half seemed long.  My back was getting beaten up going over all the rocks.

On the second loop, I got a little dazed / dizzy.  I'm not sure if it was the caffeine pills I was taking for the first time or fatigue.  Also, I realized I probably needed more water instead of only Tailwind.  Regardless, I kept my head and kept moving.

The second-to-last section is a 5.2 mile, mostly rocky stretch.  I started to feel good again, as I have in the past few races, like I was just going for a morning jog.  I made some time, particularly on a smooth part over halfway through the section.  I passed only one person the whole second half of the race; I barely saw anyone.

Right before I reached the last aid, my watch started to die.  I had been playing the "mile game" where I work on one mile at a time since the start of the second loop.   I didn't want the watch to die and have no data at all, so I turned off the GPS.  This really messed with my head and what was a good feeling a few minutes ago turned to agony as I counted down the minutes.  I figured I would finish this 2.9 section of rocky, up-and-down trail in under an hour at least.  I had a shot at this point of finishing under 10 hours.  

After interminable fast hiking, I popped out of the single-track to a short double-wide path that lead back to the start.  I knew I'd come up a couple minutes short and finished at 10:02, 17th out of 24 finishers (bottom 30%), 17th out of 40 starters (top 35%).  Not to offer excuses, but with the back not hurting I think I could have gone faster.


I didn't feel the elation I normally finish after an ultra.  Maybe it was how my head was messed up by the watch issue on the last section.  Maybe it was knowing I had a 4 hours  drive back .  Maybe it was just mental fatigue at this point of the season: I've run 5 races since May.  

I did experience a peaceful feeling a couple days later, after catching up on sleep.  I am proud I finished the third race and am set up for a Capt'n Karl's buckle three weeks later.

I ordered a $99 Epson GPS watch with a 20 hour battery life.  We'll see if it works :-)

So I have my long run at Habanero 100k in two weeks, followed by Capt'n Karl's Reveille Peak a week later!  Good news is as I'm typing this on Tuesday my back feels better.  Habanero will be a real test...the heat plus I haven't run 50 miles since Cactus Rose 2014.  I am starting to get psyched for the challenge!

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