Saturday, September 28, 2024

2024 Trailway 50k

The Background

Last year, I ran the Trailway 50k with Jamie one week before the Arkansas Traveller 100.  I had worried that running a race a week before a 100 miler might be a mistake.  Instead, I finished in 7:38 and had a great race at Arkansas.  Since it worked and the Trailway is relatively close to me, why not do it again?

I had finished the Running Man 50k two weeks earlier in 7:04.  A 7-hour 50k at the beginning of Arkansas would give me a 2-hour+ cushion off 30-hour pace.  Indeed, I ran the first 50k of Arkansas to Lake Sylvia last year in 7:15 and held on to the 2-hour cushion, finishing in 27:57.

So running the Trailway 50k this year in 7 hours would be a great final training run.

I had to pick up my kids late Friday, as James had to work.  So I only got about 5 hours of sleep.  I left at 4am and was sleepy on the drive to Lake Somerville.

The Race

Though it would get hot, the weather was nice and cool the first half of the race.

I felt good at the start, running the smooth trails in 10-minute miles.  I ran to mile 6.5 with a fellow named Emmanuel, who was attempting his first marathon.  He then turned around, and I proceeded to the mile 7.8 turnaround.

I started to get slightly tired at 14ish miles,  one mile to go to the halfway point.  Remembering this was just a training run, I switched to powerhiking.  I figured running half of it, walking half of it would prepare me for both aspects of Arkansas.

When I crossed the line at the halfway point, I went back out the wrong way, crossing the mat again.  I turned around and told the volunteer tracking the time, and he said it was fine.  Then I went out the right way. I verified at the end of the race that my time was right.

Pushing on, my powerhiking pace was 14- to 15-minute miles, so I was making time.

My watch was malfunctioning.  I think I had too much data on it, so I reset the whole thing.  The only thing was I could not tell my exact time elapsed, as even the time of day was off after the reset.  At one point, I asked a runner the time, and she said 12:30.  After some calculations, I figured I was on pace to finish close to 7 hours.   A handful of times, I ran for a couple of minutes, but each time it seemed wiser to hold off and powerhike.  I put in a hard effort, but was still holding back.

It got hot, so the last 2 aid stations I put ice in my buff.

The runners were pretty spread out.  On the last 12 miles or so, one guy passed me, then I passed him.  After that I held my position for the rest of the race, passing one person at the very end, who I think was running the marathon. But I kept knocking out 14- to 15-minute miles, finishing in 6:47.  I finished 19th out of 34.

I got a delicious Dairy Queen burger on the way back.



The finishing time gave me confidence, as 6:47 would bank 2.5 hours off of 30-hour pace at Arkansas.  The Traveller has big climbs compared to the flat Trailway, though overall the Traveller is quite runnable.  So, maybe I won't do the first 50k in 6:47, but if I am in the ballpark that would be good.  

My powerhiking pace the last two races is welcome, as maybe I can keep hiking sub-18-minute miles at Arkansas.

Thanks to God, Tejas Trails, Chris McWatters, the volunteers,  my running group Jamie, Luke, Doug, Joe,  and Micah, my friends, all my extended family,  Cesar, Terri, James, and Paloma for the support! 

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