The Background
I enjoy attending UHD's commencement. I feel blessed and honored to be there as a faculty member, and it is inspiring to see the students accomplish their goals. However, the spring commencement ended at 6pm. Getting to bed at 8:30pm, I would get 4 hours of sleep before getting up at 1am to drive to the Texas Switchback. I was really sleepy the first hour of the drive, but it got a bit better.
The Race
The two-loop-course features some rocky trails, climbs, some smooth, runnable sections, and a really cool section two miles in where you run under a rock wall and through a short tunnel.
I headed out at a conservative pace, but by half marathon I was tired. By mile 16, I was feeling, woozy/dizzy/sleepy, like at a 100-miler. I hiked a bit at this point, telling myself I just needed to survive. I rallied, running what was runnable from 19 to 21. Again, my vision blurred and I slowed.
Hitting an aid station at 22, I drank some coke, which revived me. For a while, I just hiked, wanting to keep in good condition. At mile 24, I saw a runner ahead, motivating me to run and compete. I passed 3 folks along this stretch. I saw another guy ahead running, and chased him down, but he turned out to be a volunteer! I finished 30th out of 35.
The beginning of this season has been one of adversity! First Hachie Marathon cancelled midway due to storms, storms on the way to Wildflower plus 3 extra miles, now a battle with fatigue at Texas Switchback.
Just finishing the race was a victory, given the lack of sleep, early wakeup, and long drive. I needed marathon #99, so I'm glad I did it.
Also, I fought a bit harder at this race than at Wildflower, running more in the last third. Even if I'm having a challenging race, I can still compete.
I will try to avoid the logistics of this race in the future.
Well, 99 marathons/ultras done. Next up is #100 with Mohican Marathon!