Sunday, July 14, 2024

2024 Muleshoe Bend 60k

The Background

The Houston area was recovering from Hurricane Beryl.  Luckily, my family had power by the time of Muleshoe Bend.

It had been 6 weeks since finishing my 100th marathon at Mohican, and I had been running consistently but without any long runs.  I ran 11 miles with Jamie shortly before the race at WG Jones.

The past 2 years at Muleshoe Bend 60k, I had finished over 11 hours each time, the first due to some depression/lack of focus and the second due to foot pain. So goals for this year would be:

A. Sub-9 hours (the fastest I had every finished back in 2013)

B. Sub-10 hours (I ran multiple 9-hour finishes previously)

C. Sub-11 hours (at least improving on the past 2 years)

D. Finish

I drove out to Austin at around noon.  After selling some books as Half Price Books, I enjoyed my usual Thundercloud Subs and Amy's Ice Cream, arriving at Muleshoe Bend Recreation Area an hour and change ahead of time.

The Race

The first 3.5 miles of the course is rocky with some climbing (though there are no big climbs in the race). Then there is a mile or so of smooth, runnable trail.  At around 5 miles is my favorite section, a switchback of exposed rock.  After the last aid station, the final 2.5 miles are runnable.  As usual, the race was humid and the air still due to the closely packed trees, though it was not quite as hot as some years. PJ added an aid station a mile or so in to help with dehydration.

Loop 1

I ran most of the first loop except the rocky switchback, finishing in 2:04, which was on pace for sub-10 hours.

Loop 2

I made a plan to powerhike all the rocky sections as it would be more efficient for me than start/stop running, then run the two smooth sections. I did this, finishing the loop in 2:35.  

Still on pace for sub-10, I noticed I was chafing a bit.  Since I started using Desetin years ago, I had never had a major chafing issue at a race, so I let it go.

Loop 3

I continued the above hike run/plan. I chatted with a nice fellow named Michael for many miles.  I had brought some gels, but I forgotten that the race did not have gels (my fault) and ran out.  Michael gave me some kind of granola bar. I knew I was fighting time to reach the B goal, so I made very quick work of the aid stations, skipping my normal chugging of Coke except once.  Finishing the loop in 2:45, sub-10 hours was still in reach.  

However, the pain from the chafing became severe.  Anti-chafing cream was available at the starting line aid station, so I applied it. 

Loop 4

The cream helped, but I has still hurting.  My energy levels were fine, and my legs were strong, but the chafing slowed my powerhiking pace and running was out of the question.  

I remembered something Andy Jones-Wilkins had said when encountering problems at races: "Okay, this is happening to me.  This is not good. What can I do?"  I told myself, "I can still move.  I can still finish the race.  I can still finish sub-11 hours."

I worked to push as well as I could.  At times, I focused my mind on being thankful for being at the race and how I love the Texas Hill Country trails.  My thinking was not all sunshine and rainbows, because at one point I bashed my head into a branch and said, "Okay, just knock me out!"  In many races, at the end I have had no desire to run; here, I wanted to run to wrap it up but could not.

After the final aid station, the trail seemed to stretch on and on, but I got it done, finishing the loop in 3:27 and the race in 10:49, 23rd of 26 finishers.  Then I drove the 3.5 hours home.


Thanks to Perspective Racing and Joe Prusaitis for the Photos


Some obvious lessons from this race are to always pack extra Desetin (something I used to do) and bring enough gels.  I should have taken the time to get some aid when I first noticed the chafing instead of letting it go.

I am proud that I achieved the C goal of sub-11 hours and improved over the last 2 years, despite tough conditions.

This was my 7th finish of Muleshoe Bend 60k.

Well, at least I have a clear goal for next year of sub-10 hours, God willing! Thanks to God, Perspective Pacing, PJ, Joe, all the volunteers, Michael, all my running friends, Terri, James, Paloma, Cesar, and Marie for the support!