Sunday, March 2, 2025

2025 Woodlands Marathon

The Background

The 2025 season was going well, with sub-5 hour road marathons and a 3rd place overall finish at the Jackalope Jam 6 Hour. My legs felt strong. When planning the season, I thought Woodlands Marathon might be the race where I could post my best marathon time of the season.

James and Paloma were to see me at mile 10 and the finish.

The Race

For the first few miles, I ran at sub-10 or low 10-minute miles.  It felt brisk but not like I was pushing too hard.

For quite a while, I was near the 4:30 pacer group.

I saw my kids around mile 10, near the house where they grew up.  That lifted my spirits!

I tried to save something in the tank until half marathon.  Then, I increased the pace a slight bit for a mile or so.  Then, I fell back to 10:30ish miles for another couple of miles. 

At mile 17, I began to feel weak, like I was low on energy.  It hit me all of the sudden.  Soon, I was forced to a walk.  I made it to the mile 18 aid station and fueled up. At either that or the next aid, I grabbed like 5 gels, trying to pull myself out of the spiral.

But it was like a switch had been flipped, and I was now in survival mode.  Hopes for my best marathon time of the season vanished. But I had written at the beginning of the season a goal to finish all of my solo road marathons in under 5 hours.  I made that my new goal. Reduced to run/walking, I would have to fight.

Towards the end, the 5 hour pacer was behind me.  But I knew I had started a few seconds ahead of him, so I needed to watch my watch rather than him.  Still, it was helpful to keep the pacer in sight.  

I barely made the 5-hour goal in 4:59:16.

When I crossed the finish line, I was beat and sat down in a chair at the medical station, not because I wanted medical aid, but just to sit.  A lady told me to drink water, and I did.

Getting up after a minute, I found my kids.  I must have looked out of it, and I pulled off to the side to throw up.  James said, "That was hardcore, I gotta say."

We went to celebrate at Niko Nikos.


At the beginning of the race, I had advised a first-time marathoner not to go out too fast, then I went out too fast.  However, I was trying to improve my time, and it is always a fine line on what is too fast.

I should have had gels in my pocket.  I might have done better with more fueling earlier.

I was probably due a tougher race after having a 3 go well.

Still, I am proud I fought hard and made the sub-5-hour goal.

Thanks to God, Terri, friends, all my family, the race organization, and the volunteers for the support.  Special thanks to James and Paloma for being there to cheer!